Our Courses
Android is a technology created by Google, a prominent player in the software industry. This open-source operating system is tailored for use in smartphones and tablet computers, making it the most widely adopted mobile platform globally.
Android operates on countless mobile devices worldwide, holding the title of the most extensively used mobile operating system. Its user base continues to expand rapidly, with a million new users activating Android devices each day, eager to explore a plethora of apps, games, and digital content. Android provides developers with a robust platform to craft high-quality applications and games for the Android user community.
Basic of Android Programming:
Introduction to Android OS, Setting up the Android Application Development Environment, Creating, Testing and Debugging Applications, Android Stack, Android applications structure, Activity life cycle, Understanding implicit and explicit intents. Duration :08hours
User Interface in Android:
Adaptive and responsive user interfaces, User Input Controls, Menus, Screen Navigation, Recycler View, Drawables, Themes and Styles, Fragments Fragment Life Cycle, Introduction to Material Design, Testing the user interface. Duration :12hours
Background tasks:
AsyncTask, AsyncTaskLoader, Connecting App to Internet, Broadcast receivers, Services, Notifications, Alarm managers. Duration :08hours
Sensors Location and Maps:
Sensor Basic, Motion and Position Sensors, Location services, Google maps API, Google Places API Duration :08hours
Working with data in Android:
Shared Preferences, App Setting, SQLite primer, Store data using SQLite database, Content Providers, Content Resolver, Loader Duration :08hours
Performance Improvement of App:
Performance Parameters, Profiling Tools, Rendering and Layout, Garbage Collection and Memory Leaks, Best Practices. Duration :07hours
Publishing Your App:
Preparing for publishing Anroid App, Signing and preparing the graphics, Publishing to the Android Market place Duration :05hours